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Getting Started with Hueforge Software: Creating Stunning 3D Prints Like These Festive Gnomes
If you’re looking to take your 3D printing and creative projects to the next level, Hueforge Software is an excellent tool to explore. This innovative software enables you to create stunning multi-layered prints without the need for painted details. In this post, we’ll cover how beginners can get started with Hueforge, showing off the beautiful gnome prints pictured above as a perfect example of its capabilities.
The Importance of Keeping Filament Dry
When I first heard about keeping filament dry, I thought it was just another overblown concern in the 3D printing community. I've never had a problem with a little moisture? Have I?
Clean a 3D Print Bed
Cleaning a 3D print bed is an essential step to ensure successful and high-quality prints.
Ender Max Prince or Pauper?
The Creality Ender Max is a popular 3D printer that can produce high-quality prints.
Innovative 3d Printing
There are several new and innovative developments in 3D printing that have emerged in recent years.
A Beginner’s Guide to 3D Printing: Unleashing Your Creativity One Layer at a Time
Welcome to the fascinating world of 3D printing! Over the past decade, this technology has gained immense popularity and has become more accessible to individuals and businesses alike.
Printables is Leading the Pack!
I have found a new home for my model searches and their hosting on Printables.com. I figured I would state this out front, so if you do not have the time to read the whole article, just hit that link and find out for yourself; otherwise, stick around and hear my reasoning.
Ender 3 Max any good?
I'll let you know right off the bat. The machine prints are great! I've had the machine for a while and finally had a chance to put it together. Putting it together is generous because it's only two bolts in each vertical and plugging in a few wires. It takes all of 15 minutes.
Learn 3D Printing
Here at 3d print help, we want everyone to learn how to print and have fun while doing it. The biggest bummer is when you have to fix things for longer than it takes to print
Bed Level
Before your first print, the most important and foremost thing to be done is level the bed. The machine can't lay the plastic down properly without a level surface. Our nozzle needs to be an almost perfect distance from the bed, within a millimeter, for the best results. You can clog the nozzle if too close and if too far, the print won't stick. Let's talk about how this process works.
How Hot?
How hot should we print? There is an easy way to get very close to the optimal print temperature. All we need to do is read the side of the roll of filament. Almost every roll has a heat range that you should use when printing. Our printers might not accurately create the correct temperature, but they should be very close. PLA filament usually is suggested between 190°C - 220°C. It depends on the manufacturer of the filament or even the color.
OctoPrint makes you wireless! Outside of all our joy in printing upgrades for our printers, the one thing that makes it even more enjoyable is going wireless. I guess wireless is a bit misleading. It means sending a print from your computer to the printer without using the SD card, a USB, or tethered. Here is a description quoted straight from their site: "OctoPrint is the snappy web interface
Which 3d Printer?
Which 3d Printer should you get? It depends on many factors let’s try to address the main ones. I usually don't buy the newest shiny object I see. For the most part, I am frugal when it comes to most items except Apple products. I will admit I am a big fanboy.

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All the links below are the YouTubers I have found to be the most helpful to me or that I enjoy watching. I am not making an exhaustive list or am I saying these are the best or only. If you have channels you like and think should be listed please let us know by using our contact form.

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3dprint.help was created for all those times when you are trying to print, and nothing is going right. Sure, we can go to our favorite YouTube channel or forum, but it is always a waiting game. Today with our experts standing by, you can get on a video chat and SHOW them the problem! I wish this were around when I was in my shop trying to get that printer working that I bought at a garage sale. I am great with mechanicals, but it was the software throwing me. It took me a month to get consistently good prints. I say good with a caveat; today, I would consider those fails. Please have a look around, and if you see anything, we can do better; mention it in the comments of an article or drop us an email. Please be kind.
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