About Us
There is a better way to get help 3D Printing. We couldn't find it so we built it.

If you are like me when I first found 3d printing you are excited and chomping at the bit to get started. I bought a used machine and quickly found out it is much harder than it looks. I am very good with mechanical things most people say I can fix anything but this was a above my pay grade. I researched and tinkered and watched many YouTube videos trying to get that machine to work. I did get it working but it took weeks to get get there and months to get good prints. The machine I had was a good printer but it was an older model and we also have the software part to figure out along the way. It can become to much and a major time sink that most of us don't have to invest.
I wish I had someone I could call up and get an answer to my problems the same day not have to post on a forum and hope someone will reply in a couple days. I could also invest a bunch of time watching video after video only to find out that I am watching the wrong one. The idea came to me one day when I was struggling with an issue that seemed so simple but I couldn't figure out. I had joined a forum but no one was replying. It turns out the answer was very simple I was just to involved and couldn't see the big picture. I thought man I wish I knew someone that I could  Zoom chat with and show them my issue and they could see what I was talking about instead mom me trying to explain it in 14 different posts because I couldn't explain it properly. It is hard to explain something when you don't know what is wrong. At that moment was when 3dprint.help was born. We have video calling now which allows us to see the issue as well as hear the issue. If you have a problem give us a call we hope to help.

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FDM Printers
Need a printer? We have suggestions for you.
Manage your Farm
Have a bunch of printers? Need help getting them all talking to you? Let us help set that up.
Links to helpful events happening in our 3d community.
Are you lost on where to start or what machine to buy? Let us help you. Let's not spend money we don't need to.
If you need help getting started on your printing voyage, let us help guide you.
3d Print Help
We will have a forum soon. Please stop back often!
3dprint.help was created for all those times when you are trying to print, and nothing is going right. Sure, we can go to our favorite YouTube channel or forum, but it is always a waiting game. Today with our experts standing by, you can get on a video chat and SHOW them the problem! I wish this were around when I was in my shop trying to get that printer working that I bought at a garage sale. I am great with mechanicals, but it was the software throwing me. It took me a month to get consistently good prints. I say good with a caveat; today, I would consider those fails. Please have a look around, and if you see anything, we can do better; mention it in the comments of an article or drop us an email. Please be kind.
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